Why Is Work Important To A Family?

It is unusual for someone to pause and ponder on the importance of work to a family. Most people would simply go on with their workday because “it’s what all people do.” I admire you for taking a step back to see the bigger picture of why you are doing what you are doing.

Work, in general, enables families to provide for their needs. Their livelihood will allow them to put food on the table, a roof above their heads, and clothes on their bodies. But moreover, work also gives families other benefits, such as discipline, being part of a community, and a good name.

Work has many advantages for a family, but it can also bring negative effects if we are not careful. Read on to get more details about the benefits of work to a family. We’ll also look at whether working mothers are beneficial for their families or not. Please be advised, however, that this article is intended for information purposes only. The data presented here is based on our personal research and experience. We by no means intend to give professional advice.

Husband and wife having coffee at Tim Horton's
Coffee while waiting for our client.

The five benefits of Work to a family

  1. Your work will provide for your family’s needs and wants.
    This one’s too obvious I even considered cutting it off. But as I did my research, it seems working for your needs is not that obvious anymore. People today bite on the idea of getting paid without having a job. They like to travel the world or sit all day playing video games — and still make money. I’m sorry, but the notion of making money without working is a clickbait. It overpromises yet under deliver.

    Work is essential to a comfortable life. It has been this way for the past thousand years, and it still is today. As Proverbs 12:11 says, “Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.” True, there is such a thing as passive income. Still, it requires a good amount of work to achieve it.
  1. Your work will serve as an example to your children.
    One of the most effective ways to parent our children is through modeling. They may not always listen to what we say, but they sure observe our actions intently. Derek Jeter, a former baseball player, once said, “I looked up to my parents because they were very successful in what they wanted to do. I was lucky; I didn’t have to look far for role models.” When we work, we give our children ideas of what they want to do someday. It will encourage them to be disciplined, driven, and follow a career path.
  1. Your work can be a legacy for future generations.
    I love the image below. It illustrates clearly how our work should ideally affect our children; and their children. Our work’s potential is not only limited to our present families but for the generations to come. Any seed we plant today, be it wealth, wisdom, or wellness, is a seed that can one day grow into a tree. A tree that serves as an inheritance our future family members can enjoy.
A comic strip of dad and son planting a tree.
A comic strip about a father planting a tree for his child, and grandchild. c/o LinkedIn.
  1. Your work brings honor and respect to your family’s name.
    Family names have always been a big deal, especially in ancient times. It is a brand of honor, respect, and loyalty. That is why successful parents even today practice the tradition of naming their kids after them with suffixes like junior, the second, or the third. They intend to impart the reputation and position they have earned to their children. Yet, not all people agree with this custom. They think parents who do this limit the freedom of their kids to establish their own identities. That they will always be under someone else’s shadow their entire life.
  1. Your work helps your family develop meaningful relationships.
    One of our closest friends was from work. We met this couple randomly at a business conference and have been in constant contact ever since. We meet them at least once a week over coffee, or dinner, and chat about life and career. They have witnessed my engagement with Lalaine, our marriage, and the start of our journey toward parenthood. Today, our children are good playmates!

Do working mothers benefit their families?

Working mothers generally benefit their families. But, if we solely talk about finances, they may not make a huge difference in the bottom line. The family might eventually need to hire someone to cover the duties at home while moms work outside — which only offsets the additional income.

In the book, The Millionaire Mind, 50% of about a thousand millionaires say their wives do not work outside their homes. This shows mothers do not necessarily need to have a job for the family to benefit financially. Of those who do, 7% are entrepreneurs; 5% are sales professionals; 4% are corporate middle managers; 4% are attorneys; 3% are teachers, 3% are senior corporate executives, and 2% are physicians.

Snack time with the kids after a successful delivery.

My wife works as an entrepreneur. She has an online jewelry business that she is so passionate about. I have expressed my desire for her to focus on being a housewife many times. Taking care of the house and the kids is already a full-time job! But she insisted on working as it is something she really likes to do. To put it plainly, my wife works not because she has to, but because she wants to. Here are the pros and cons I have observed so far:


  • Working mothers provide a financial safety net.
    My wife’s income is hers. She can do whatever she wants with her money. I do not obligate my wife to contribute to our household expenses, yet she has the option to do so if she wants to — and she does. She often uses her money to buy stuff that is usually not in the budget (like junk food, lol). But above all else, she also gives me peace of mind during the lean season. Her work, in a way, serves as an added layer of financial security when business is slow.
  • Work develops husband and wife teamwork.
    One beauty of having a working wife is we are (more often than not) on the same page. We both understand entrepreneurship and can empathize with one another. We even, at times, talk in jargon and use some business principles in the way we operate our family. Our teamwork has become more fluid overall ever since she started her own company.
  • Working moms allow themselves to become self-reliant.
    As husbands and dads, we pray (and do our best) to stay healthy and live the longest life possible to provide for our families. But the truth is, there are no guarantees. Life is fleeting and unpredictable. Allowing our wives to become self-reliant will give us confidence that no matter what happens, they will be able to take care of themselves and the kids.


  • Work can become a distraction.
    When Lalaine asked for my approval to start her own company a few years back, I told her my only condition was that family should always be the priority. In our house, she should be a wife first and a mother second. She can only work in her business when she’s done with all her duties at home. And she agreed.

    Fast-forward to today. The first thing she does in the morning is open her phone and respond to her clients. Many times, we have to eat our lunch late since she has to arrange her deliveries first. One night, at about ten o’clock, we had a heated exchange when I learned the kids haven’t taken a bath the whole day because she has to resolve a problem in her business. This con irks me so much!
  • Working mothers may become over self-reliant.
    As mentioned earlier, self-reliance is an advantage, but overly self-reliant mothers have negative effects on families. Based on reports, successful, independent women tend to struggle with dating, marriage, and parenting. The article did not mention clearly why this is so. But the speculation is that self-reliant women may see family life as an obstacle to their goals. There are times when I notice this in my wife.
  • Working moms are susceptible to burnout.
    Anger is a sign of burnout. It can make you flare up even for such mundane reasons. Lalaine is generally a level-headed person. But swimming between work and family life has perhaps shortened her fuse. She is now more easily enraged than ever before. There are times when I can tolerate it, and there are times when I couldn’t — especially when I am also stressed myself. It is an area in our marriage we need to work on.

Closing thoughts

Work is an essential element of a successful family. It brings many benefits besides being able to provide financially. Yet, it is also vital to take note of the detrimental effects when work has become the main priority. I hope you learned something important about your work today. I pray that you will find the proper balance between career and family life as they perpetually impact one another.

See also


Jed Chan

Jed Chan is the principal creator of TheLearningDadBlog.com, a website dedicated to providing helpful resources on fatherhood. He is a passionate learner who would normally immerse himself in topics of his interest. Jed carefully studied the subjects of finance, e-business, and parenting before becoming a full-time stay-at-home dad.

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